Thursday, August 21, 2008

Bedrest Time

Well I had a feeling this would come my way this pregnancy. I am 29 weeks and 1 day pregnant, and my last son was born at 27 weeks. So we have been very careful this time around, I have been seeing a high risk doctor and striving to keep this baby in a lot longer than the last. So when I started having contractions a few weeks ago, I became pretty concerned. I went to the doctor on Monday, where my contractions were about one every hour and a half, and my doc checked me and told me that everything actually looked great and I just needed to be careful. So I went home, still having contractions, but not as worried. The contractions intensified greatly by the next few days, and I am now pretty much screaming with every one. I called my doc to tell him that this pain with every contraction was about as strong as when I was dialated to a 10 and pushing out my last son- so he had me come in today. Unfortunetly I am starting the labor process. I am dialating...only a 1+ so far, and I am 60% efaced. So needless to say, I am sad. He game me medication to stop the contractions- and the good news is, so far they have stopped! YEAH! So I am on bedrest, with the help of neighbors, friends, and family taking my kiddos. And Monday I go back in to see if the labor has progressed. As long as everything still looks the same as it did today or better, we can relax a bit and keep up with the bedrest. If things have progressed, it's off to the hospital for me to keep this baby in longer.

Thank you to everyone for your help, love and prayers! I know that this is in the Lord's hands and confident that everything will work out how it is supposed to. Love you all!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good Luck! You are in my prayers. I hope you are okay, and so is the baby! Look at how wonderful things have worked out with Braden! Take it easy.