As I was feeding Keaton, I heard the boys downstairs scooting a chair across the kitchen floor. It occured to me I had left the cookie jar (full of candy) on the counter rather than putting it on the fridge (heaven forbid with my children) so the kids were getting into the cookie jar. This is not so terrible of a thing I am thinking, so I am going to finish feeding Keaton, then go deal with it.
But when I made my way downstairs, I saw a much worse situation.
Brayden had taken an entire bottle of food coloring (RED OF COURSE) and dumped it all over the CARPET!! It took me over an hour and a half...lots of towels...
An entire can of this (and more if I had had any more)...
Many many helpings of this...
And then to top it all off, I put the oxy clean on the counter by the sink as I was cleaning up (heaven forbid it be within a chairs reaching) and when I ran upstairs to try and get dressed for aerobics which I was now late for...Brayden dumped the entire bucket on the floor. This picture is after I had already cleaned up a lot of it...