Okay, so we are a family of sicko's this past weekend...going on into this week. It started with Brayden getting a cold the middle of last week. He had basically one bad day where I thought it was going to turn into more than the running nose, but he magically got better. Then Kyler started acting like he wasnt feeling well, but he had no symptoms other than being tired, so I brushed it off thinking he was just overtired. Then Saturday in the middle of the night he woke up with a fever of 102.7 and was sick most of the day Sunday. He slept almost the entire day, and when he wasn't asleep, he was laying on the couch. Sunday night his spirits perked up, so we went to Cort's parents house for dinner. Kyler was fine the entire time and has been fine since. Cortney, however, has not been. He traveled to Vegas last week for work and came back saying he think his ear popped on the plane on the way home. He said he had only around 20% hearing in his left ear and it was steadily getting worse. Sunday at his parents house, he started to stand up and the room started spinning. He had to be held up on both sides just to make it to the couch to lay down. When he was finally down, he didn't really feel much different and after a little while we decided it was best to take him to urgent care.
He asked his Dad to help walk him to the bathroom before leaving, and so he did, and he ended up throwing up everything he's ever eaten in the bathtub (gross, I know, but it would have overflowed the toilet and the tub sits lower to the ground, therefore easier to reach). Poor Cortney. We went to urgent care and he has a bad inner ear infection (VERTIGO) that causes major dizziness and vommitting. Sad, I know. I feel so terrible for him. He has to go to a hearing and balance specialist because his ear is swollen on the inside and they need to see how bad things are.
Meanwhile, I have my thyroid surgery tomorrow, so Cort's parents are coming over to take me in and watch not just my little boys, but my hubby as well while I am at the hospital. (My mom in law will stay with me though :)) I am glad to finally have this large cyst off my neck and not pushing against my throat anymore...It will be nice not having 3 pokes in my neck every 2 weeks...Yeah, you don't want to know...
ANYHOW! The timing is crazy, but I am hoping by the end of the week, we will all be healthy, well, recovered and ready for some normalness...just in time to go to AZ next week for my brothers wedding! I'm so excited!!!