So I have been having a problem with Brayden (I know, what else is new?!) and I have been thinking about possible solutions. We may have come up with one today, but I don't know if it worked like I wanted...
Brayden is in a booster car seat with a back. He has been in it for a few months, ever since he hit the weight/size/age limit. He can buckle himself in, which is nice...but he can un-buckle himself, which is not so good in the middle of the freeway when I am going 75mph...
He does it specifically because he knows he is not supposed to. I have been telling him that I am going to put him back into a baby carseat if he continues to do it. At first I was nice about it, then I pushed it a little higher, told him I would get a ticket and he could get in an accident...then I pushed it into full gear andtold him that if someone hit our car and he was unbuckled, he would go flying through the windshield, have shards of glass all over his body, have to get a million shots, stitches, possible surgery and be crying in pain and possibly die.
What? Seriously? Really?
So I have toyed with the idea of taking him to the police station and having a police officer tell him the same thing...maybe coming from that type of authority would help. So today, after going to the post office and having him slide down from his car seat because he wasn't wearing it correctly, I marched right into the police station.
I told the lady at the front what was going on. I realllly wanted to say "please send someone out who will be aggressive, even mean who will really scare him..." but I couldn't. A sargeant came out, he was a little stern, but mostly nice calling him "little buddy," etc. I am not sure if Brayden gets it. I mean, I know he knows its wrong and knows he shouldnt do it (which is exactly why he does it), but I don't know if the little chat with the officer today made any difference cause he was still so nice about it.
He gave him a badge in the end and told him the only way he could wear it is if he promised to wear his seat belt right all the time. I think if he takes it off or wears it wrong again I am going to put him back in the convertable car seat for a day to really show him I am serious and will not put up with it, then I think maybe he will wear it right. I am just not sure, but I really hope either way that today worked...