Thursday, July 15, 2010


This is my beautiful friend Kyra. She became one of my best friends when we lived in Boise and she came down for a visit this past weekend JUST HER, so we could have a girls weekend with no kids. It. was. awesome.

Friday we picked her up from the airport. We came back, packed lunches and went to the park with some of my friends from here. It was hot, but we had fun. Later that night we went to The Gateway for some shopping, just the two of us, then a late showing of Eclipse. We got it around 12:30 in the morning, then got up on Saturday to spend the day doing more shopping. We hit IKEA, Tai Pan, then Cafe Rio for lunch. Next the mall, an afternoon showing of Letters to Juliet (which is awesome by the way), then we came home around 7 for some pedicures and off to bed early since we were exhausted by then! Sunday we relaxed, went to church, had a great dinner, went on a walk. The whole weekend was amazing. Just spending time with one of my besties was the best!
Got to have a few self-taken pictures.
Monday one of my friends watched the kids so we could go to lunch just the two of us before she had to get to the airport. it was great.

Seriously, just look at the was GREAT!
I think the weekend was well needed and well deserved for the both of us! We had a great time and it really makes me so grateful for having such wonderful friends. I am glad that even though I have friends in different states, friends that live close and friends that live far away, no distance can separate how close we really are. Thanks again Kyra for coming. It was amazing!

1 comment:

Kyra Black said...

Look how pale I am! Ah! I have really been noticing that this summer with everyone all tan and beautiful! So loved coming to see you.