Monday, May 4, 2009

Desperate for an Ice Cream Cone

Well, I should not be surprised anymore by my mischevious little boy Brayden's actions. And yet again, today, I was. I was upstairs, he was downstairs. I hear screaming. This is nothing new around my house, especially because he had not taken a nap as usual, and he and Kyler are always fighting/messing around. The scream was not a holy terror scream. But then I notice, Kyler was upstairs in the playroom and could not have done something to Brayden.

I see Brayden walking up the stairs and I notice him holding his hand as if it hurts. Again, I am still not surprised by this, and nothing seems too alarming. But then I see all the BLOOD. Okay, now I am getting surprised. Okay, so there is a lot of blood. There is a huge slice in Brayden's middle finger and it is split open. Okay, there is blood everywhere now. I had a bowl in my hand and put Braydens hand over the bowl and we walk down the stairs. I wash out the gash.
What am I doing? Yes, this is helpful but I was totally out of it and not sure what I was doing...He needs to get stitches pronto. So we went to urgent care. And 5 stitches later, and of course, an ice cream cone...and we're good to go. Seriously though, I mean seriously, I am a mom of three boys, I am going to have to get used to this.

And how did Brayden split his finger open, you want to know? He tried to cut an orange by himself with a nice serrated knife. And yes, there was blood up and down my stairs, in the garage and everywhere. And thank heavens a nurse told me to pour hydrogen peroxide on the blood in the carpet and it would lift right out...and it did! So yay, we now seem to be normal least I think...

And although this little white haired boy is fine now, and this little band-aid covers, even the doctor could not believe all the blood. It would not stop bleeding until she stitched it...I know, this is gross and I am sorry. I am still gagging from the blood myself...


beckaboots said...

Oh my goodness! Poor little guy! I am glad that you were able to get the blood out of the carpet.

The Mattson's said...

That is so scary. Why do boys do such crazy things, my boys are always getting into trouble.

Clarisa said...

so you got to be there for brayden's fist stitches (it is his first, right?). 5 stitches is just soo many for such a small finger...ouch!

Sarah said...

Aw! Poor baby and poor you.