Thursday, January 27, 2011

Profound Moments in Life

Hello there friends. I know I have neglected you so. Cause I know I have a kazillion friends that read my blog right?! HA! I have felt empty as far as what to write about these days...or rather I didn't feel ready to write about anything because inside my head I was bursting at the seams with deep thoughts.
Rather than share all my personal experiences that have happened over the last few weeks, I will simply tell you this. I have a deep, close, personal relationship right now with the Lord. I have a long ways to go, don't get me wrong. But he and I have been talking lately- about a few things. And what I can tell YOU, my dear friends and readers, is that he answered my prayers very strongly on some things I was wondering about. These aren't life changing things- these were simply things that I was insecure about...things I wasn't sure if I should do or not. And what do you know? The Lord answered my prayers and gave me the confidence to make decisions on things--knowing he has my back. Knowing I am doing the right thing, even though it wasn't the answer I wanted. And so I feel good. I love feeling good.
So lets just say my mind has been off in far off places and now it is settled and right where it should be. And so this week I have been getting things accomplished like crazy (I love it when that happens!)
You want to know what I have been doing? Well, I have been working on a few projects that are completed now...and I can't post pictures until my cute sister opens her baby shower presents! And then I will post away... I have been sewing, cleaning, more cleaning, more laundry...
And of course, LAYING around because I have no energy because my thyroid is off and I got a bladder infection. YUCK. And if I told you why I got the infection, you would LAUGH at me because it's not your typical "not drinking enough water"'s actually an embarassing funny story and I won't go there... things are looking up and I am feeling better AND I went to Zumba today, which is AWESOME and I got a zumba shirt in RED, my fav. color. And I am goin to wear it to class on Saturday...
And so all is well that ends well. And tomorrow is Friday and I teach aerobics. YAYYYY! Happy Weekend, and here's to me actually posting some pictures next week!? ;)


Chanelle said...

Isn't the Lord wonderful? He helps in so many ways if we are just willing to ask. I hope you kick the infection and have a wonderful day!

♥ Chanelle

Tracey said...

I love reading your blog!!! It inspires me all the time. I have been in a major slump lately and after reading your blog I feel like I can try to get out of it. Thanks!!!!