Monday, July 27, 2009

Me Superwoman

Meet this:
I USED to loooooovvvvvveeeeee this drink. Ever since I was a teenager and had a coca-cola for the first time, I was in love. I used to drink this whenever I could. (And this is courtesy of my Dad and his family, who drink soda all the time). Sooooo...I had always been able to have just a little here and a little there and stop drinking during pregnancy, etc...until my little Keaton was born. His situation in the hospital, being tired all the time, I slowly started drinking more and more and MORE and MORE. I tried to control my drinking of this delicious drink to occasionally and I COULD NOT! I was drinking A LOT pretty much every day (even though I would make sure my hubby did not know cause I knew he would scold me!). It's not that this drink is so bad. It's that for MY Body, this drink is bad. I have had problems with cysts, and after having a large one removed when I was 18, I was old that massive amounts of carbonation could cause the cyst to swell to be the large 1 pound cyst that it was. ANYHOW, it's also a problem because I would do crazy things to go out of my way to get a soda and sometimes it was all I would think about. Seriously.
Why am I telling you my long boring story about soda? Because about 6 months ago I prayed really hard that I would be able to stop drinking soda but also that I wouldn't have the DESIRE to drink it anymore. And seriously, I woke up the next day with NO DESIRE and haven't had a desire to drink it since! I did not realize how much it affected my body until I stopped drinking it. After about 2 weeks of not drinking it, I could tell a major difference. It really effects me badly for some reason.
Again, why am I going on about soda right now? because at my hubbys family reunion this week, there were cases and cases of soda right in front of me and people drinking it left and right and guess what? I did not have ANY and am proud of myself. I know this isnt a big deal to most people, but this is great for me. Not that I thought I would have a problem drinking it, and not that it is a poisonous drink that would kill me, it's just really nice that I have been able to stick to my goals and not drink this drink that apparently affects me so....

So blah, blah, theres my story. Me superwoman, Soda, you have officially gone DOWN!


annieareyouok said...

i was hooked on diet cherry vanilla dr. pepper ... until the big jerks stopped making it. no choice but to stop drinking heaven in a can of cold goodness when they stop making it. good for you though if you want to cut it out of your diet.

sherry said...

Oh no, don't downplay your accomplishment. It is a big deal. And you rock! You'll have to e mail me when you get a chance and tell me all the differences you feel. I have a hard time not drinking my diet pepsi even when I know it will physically hurt me!(IC) some of it because it is so much easier for me to eat less when I am filling up on diet soda. Bad! I know. Good job, sister.

Sarah said...

Woohoo! You totally rock! I am so proud of you for overcoming this hurdle to your health.

beckaboots said...

I feel you sis. I never realized all of those stomach aches I had been having more recently were from my diet coke addiction.
Yay for you being so strong!

Clarisa said...

milk is my down fall. i still try to sneak some and just deal with the afterness. strange how we do things we know are so bad for us. i wonder if you could pass some of your superwoman strength through the blog to me?