Monday, August 9, 2010

A New Day

Today is a new day. Yesterday was a hard day. And not hard in the "my kids were so terrible" kind of way. It was just an off day. I was so emotional...thank you woman hormones. I know that its not all woman hormones though. I have been pondering several things lately. I have been deep in thought and even distraught over some of them. Nothing bad is going on, it's not like that.
It's just a few little things I have been thinking about and thought I knew what the answers were but now I am not so sure.
As I was sitting in church yesterday I got teary eyed like 5 different times just deep in thought. I know that I don't need to be so frustrated or take things so seriously sometimes. I need to relax, let go, turn to the Lord for guidance and I know it will all work out.
So late last night as I was loading the dishwasher and deep in thought once again, I realized tomorrow (which is today) is a new day and new way to start the week. It is two weeks before Kyler starts school and I am going to let go of my worries and just put everything into the Lord's hands, like I know I need to do. I am going to sulk up every second with my boys and just have fun.
So today is a new day, the start of a new week, and a fresh new start. Here's to today.

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